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McLuhan Misunderstood: Setting the Record Straight


The life and work of one of the most recognized thinkers of the twentieth century, is discussed and analyzed in the following essay. He begins to address issues such as the cryptic writing style, analyzing if he was a technological determinist, commenting if he was just a serious scholar or a technophile, but a social critic. Then there is a very important question that talks about the suspicions of his deep Catholic convictions and as a concern in his scholarship. After talking about the origin of the term of the media ecology, making a very interesting essay about the life of the Canadian Marshall McLuhan


Cryptic writing style, Technological determinism, Social critic, Media ecology.



  1. Culkin, J. (1967) “A Schoolman‘s Guide to Marshall McLuhan”. Saturday Review (March 18, 1967).
  2. Gordon, W. T. (1997) Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding –A Biography. New York: Basic Books.
  3. Kauffman, S., Robert K. L., Robert E., Randy G., David H., & Ilya S. (2007) Propagating organization: an enquiry. Biology and Philosophy 23: 27-45.
  4. Logan, R. K. (2003) “Science as a Language: The non-probativity theorem and the complementarity of complexity and predictability.” In Daniel McArthur & Cory Mulvihil (eds) Humanity and the Cosmos, pp 63-73.
  5. Logan, R. K. (2004) “The Biological Foundation of Media Ecology.” Explorations in Media Ecology 6: 19-34
  6. Marchand, P. (1989) Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger. Toronto: Random House.
  7. Marchessault, J. (2004) Marshall McLuhan. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
  8. Marshall, P. D. (2004) New Media Cultures. London: Arnold.
  9. McLuhan, E. (2008) “Marshall McLuhan‘s Theory of Communication: The Yegg.” Global Media Journal 1 (1) pp.25-43.
  10. McLuhan, M. (1955) "Communication and Communication Art: A Historical Approach to the Media." Teachers College Record 57 (2): 104-110.
  11. McLuhan, M. (1964) Understanding Media. New York: McGraw Hill. (The page references in the text are for the McGraw Hill paperback second edition. Readers should be aware that the pagination in other editions is different. To aid the reader in calibrating note that Chapter 1 The Medium is the Message begins on page 7 in the edition I have referenced.)
  12. McLuhan, M. (1967) “The New Education”. The Basilian Teacher Vol. 11 (2), pp. 66-73.
  13. McLuhan, M. (1969) Playboy Magazine Interview. Playboy Magazine (March).
  14. McLuhan, M. (1970) “Education in the Electronic Age”. Interchange/Volume 1 No. 4, pp. 1- 12.
  15. McLuhan, M. & Quentin F. (1967) The Medium is the Massage. New York: Bantam Books.
  16. McLuhan, M., Quentin F., & Michael A. (1968) War and Peace in the Global Village. New York: Bantam Books.
  17. McLuhan, M. & David C. (2003) The Book of Probes. Berkeley CA: Gingko Press.
  18. McLuhan, M., & McLuhan E. (1988) Laws of Media: The New Science. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  19. McLuhan, M., & Barrington N. (1972) Take Today: The Executive as Dropout. Toronto: Longman Canada.
  20. Popper, K. (1934) Logik der Forschung, Wein: Springer.
  21. Stearn, G. E. (ed). (1967) Hot and Cool A Critical Symposium. New York: The Dial Press.