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Semiotics of Communication and Health. For no particular method. Proposal


Disciplines that may seem distant are not so distant. It is possible to make an approach to argue about the semiotics of communication and health, linked by education, and understand their relationship through the constitutive elements of semiotics, their particular methodological tools and techniques. Moreover, we intend in this essay to present reflections, postures and questions about the field of communication, health, and education and make considerations about the need for interdisciplinarity to shape a different methodological position and contribute to effective research, diffusion and feedback towards non-academic sectors. Current technological and social phenomena that change rapidly (social networks such as FB, Twitter, Whatsapp and those that are being incorporated) force creative approaches to understand new phenomena with all the aspects implied in communication, and which modify the traditional and academic meaning of signs, pragmatics and semantics. The rules of communication’s construction and the conventional rules of pragmatics in social networks differ from what is academically stated. However, new signs make sense because of the use that is given and "learned" through practice, so methodological approaches to its analysis must change. Semiotics of communication and health in particular is also forced into new approaches. Nonetheless, even if new signs emerge semiotic foundations do not change: signs, symbols, rules, writing, forms of presentation and the paradigm that it is impossible not to communicate will not change. We therefore propose from the title the impossibility of a unique and particular method and therefore, the necessary interdisciplinarity.


Semiotics, Communication, Health, Method, Approaches, Interdisciplinarity

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