Impact of methodologies and online tools for the assessment and improvement of the transparency and quality of information of non-profit organizations
Non-profit organizations must improve their communication to be more reliable and thus obtain more economic and human resources. Transparency must be placed at the heart of this change, taking advantage of the possibilities of ICT, complying with mandatory legal requirements in the allocation of public funds and incorporating it as a value that should strengthen the sector.
In Spain, transparency legislation is recent, so there is no tradition or models to guide the work of those responsible for these organizations. We have designed a methodology that allows them to make a self-assessment of the situation in which they find themselves and improve it by applying a stepped procedure that incorporates both the clarification of the information that must be published and the way in which it must be done in order to be useful. In this regard, special attention is paid to the publication of understandable and easily accessible information.
This methodology has been made available to the organizations in an online platform that includes a list of indicators and criteria adapted to different legal classes of organizations and in which they can work in as many sessions as needed.
Between April 2016 and September 2017, 313 organizations have registered on the platform and are using it. They are mostly associations or foundations with high budgets and, therefore, obliged to comply with the Transparency Law. However, progress in the application of the procedure is very slow. In addition to a significant lack of human and economic resources, there is no urgent motivation to apply the Law nor has a transparency culture spread in the sector, in a generalized way that goes beyond the strictly declarative.
Transparency, non-profit organizations, NGO, evaluation methodologies, transparency law, ICT
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