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Social Responsibility at the Ecuatorian University

Reputación, transparencia y nuevas tecnologías


In recent years, the issue of University Social Responsibility has acquired great relevance in the academic field, as a space for reflection on the social action that the university must generate in the social conscience and provide solutions to the problems of the community, something similar It occurs with the innumerable definitions of what is understood by University Social Responsibility, although the important thing, today, is to understand what universities do in practice because they are socially responsible.

The implementation of these practices is related to the growing need of universities to demonstrate that effectively, their operation and raison d'être are fully oriented to collaborate with the needs and problems existing in society, and that, therefore, decisions and actions that are implemented are fully coupled to reality, as a way to fulfill the four substantive functions: Teaching, Research and Linking with the Collective; to which is added the Administrative Management that is constituted in support of the previous ones.

It is hoped that this article of reflection can enrich the debate on the importance of University Social Responsibility and serve so that universities have a better appreciation of the potential impact that responsible activities have on the student community and society.


organizational communication, image, reputation, identity, social responsibility, university social responsibility

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