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Analysis of geographical indication publications


There is a vast literature on Geographical Indications. In it are diverse discussions on the theme, such as the value added that certification brings to the product benefited. Some studies say that this value aggregation is the monetary amount that is added to the product after its certification, but the certification only protects and evidences a value that already exists, such as culture, know-how or product specificities, being the monetary value consequences of these values. This research used the Grounded Theory that involves the formulation of a theory through data collection and analysis inductively, with quantitative and qualitative characteristics. We analyzed all 908 publications resulting from the word 'Geographical Indication' inserted in the search guide of the Scopus database. The results show that many of the studies seek to portray GI as an intangible intellectual property asset capable of protecting certain identified values. This type of certification works as a strategy to protect against unfair competition, as well as conveys confidence to consumers. Geographical Indication seems not to be a current topic of interest, but the protection of values it holds. Analyzing the volume of publications, it is perceived that if the 'value-adding' factor were stronger, the gray literature should be more generous with the topic, because added value means greater possibility of financial return.


Geographical Indication; Grounded Theory; Added Value; Protection, Scopus, Intangible Assets.



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