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Resistance and flexibility of writing on the internet or how digital territoriality can influence its mutation.



The communicational dynamics that are experienced today are primarily due to technology and the narratives of different contemporary audiences in the field of digital media, the above also envisions a certain resistance and flexibility in the reality of people both in writing and in writing. locution. In order to understand these communicative messages in greater depth and transcendence, in this article we are interested in exploring the mutation of words and written expressions within the various forms of digital communication that circulate on Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp. The content analysis method is used to elucidate the symbolic treatment given to each of them and the impact they achieve in digital culture. Subsequently, the informative function that these assemblages play in the action of writing is studied, from which a heteroclite narrative is obtained that manages to capture attention from the use of coherence, vituperation, contractions or intentional spelling errors; Distinguishing these spelling transgressions leads to a trend in the written language on the Internet that is the essential key to understanding socio-digital concerns and practices. The results suggest the existence of mechanisms of immediate communication and authenticity that can be used in the cultural and educational sphere, as they help to reproduce ludic learning strategies and multiple languages that go beyond formality without falling into the superficial.


digital narratives, resistance, flexibility, mutation

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