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A Study on Cybersecurity News Coverage in Bangladeshi Newspapers


At the present world, people are more connected with cyber issues, with the emergence of the cyber world, cybersecurity has also become more important in its users’ life either in personal or official cases. Media has a great role in establishing cybersecurity by providing accurate and responsible information. This paper analyzed the presentation of cybersecurity-related news items and photos in Bangladeshi newspapers. All copies published during the time frame of October to December 2019 were selected for this study and a total 59 number of news items were collected and analyzed. This paper analyzed the news items under different issues, like hacking and tracking, stealing and passing information, information leaking, security of cyberspace users, etc. This study explored the news types, photograph presentation, placement of news, and using news sources. This study followed Gatekeeping and Social Responsibility theories and found that most of the news is event-driven, news items have just been translated from foreign newspapers, especially Kaler Kantho published lots of foreign news without mentioning exact sources, and the number of investigative and awareness-raising news is very poor which also means that these newspapers played very little social responsibility role.


Cybersecurity; Cyber Space; Internet; News Coverage; Bangladesh

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