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The media of people


The new actors of public communication are the audiences, the public, the people and the
users of the Network; and not only traditional media. In this way, the protagonist of these
actors manages to have an important influence on the production and dissemination of
information and opinion content, thus constituting a global phenomenon that puts into
question the role of the press and the identity of journalists.


Journalism, Media, Technologies, Opinion, Collective Knowledge.

PDF (Español (España))


  1. Gillmor, D. (2004). We the Media. Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People. Retrieved from O'Reilly, .
  2. Grossman, L. (2004). Meet Joe Blog. Time Magazine. Retrieved from,
  3.,10987,650732,00.html .
  4. Orihuela, J. L. (2004). Periodismo participativo. eCuaderno. Retrieved from .
  5. Ramonet, I. (2005). Medios de comunicación en crisis. Le Monde Diplomatique. Retrieved from
  6. Willis, C. & Shayne B. (2003). We Media. How audiences are shaping the future of news and information (thinking paper). Retrieved from The Media Center - American Press Institute