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Reorganization of the student movement, social use of mobile devices and social networks and their influence on the October 2019 mobilization in Quito


This text is the result of a research that aims to identify the influence of digital media and social networks in the mobilization that took place in the city of Quito in October 2019. It makes an approach to the reality before and after the social phenomenon, since this social outbreak caused a number of social connotations: from the rejection of a part of society, to the humanitarian support to communities and movements that legitimately occupied the public space in the capital of Ecuador. At that time, it was an attempt to confront the decision of the national government of Lenín Moreno to implement economic measures to the detriment of the Ecuadorian society, which triggered a social explosion that was reflected in mobilizations of different sectors of society. Executive Decree number 883 (Official Gazette No. 52 2019, 3) included economic, fiscal and labor reforms; however, among the relevant points of this publication was the liberalization of fuel prices and labor precariousness.


uso social, poder y disputa, movimiento social, movimiento estudiantil, imaginario social, opinión pública, redes sociales, medios sociales

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