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Audiovisual institutional communication campaigns and their use to counteract hoaxes during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Spain


This paper deals with the importance of institutional advertising in the face of the hoaxes, disinformation and fake news that have appeared since the outbreak of COVID-19 until the so-called herd immunity was achieved. By means of the analysis of the communication and institutional advertising campaigns published by the Spanish autonomous and central governments from a multiple methodological prism, quantitative (duration of the videos, periodicity, views) and qualitative (contents, narrative genres, intentionality and human presence) study criteria have been established to determine the role of the 639 videos that make up the sample. The main results show that the institutional communication and advertising campaigns share a marked informative character, while the latter are especially oriented towards social networks. Despite this informative and proactive effort that attests to the duty to inform the public, the data do not seem to indicate that these are primary sources of information, while in terms of narratives, the majority opted for recourse to experts, doctors and healthcare professionals, as well as patients.


Institutional advertising, fake news, COVID-19, crisis communication

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