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Cultural mediations and ethnography: theoretical-methodological entanglements to understanding the processes of misinformation in health


In contemporary times, we are living in a moment of disputes for the truth, in which science and objective facts end up in suspicion and emotion and knowledge obtained through experience take their place. In this context, the internet and social media constitute a space for the circulation of health information. The contemporary dispute for the truth destructs democratic institutions and overvalues narratives based on experiences, in beliefs and personal convictions rather than scientific method. Recognizing this scenario, this article intends to propose an understanding of disinformation processes by the concept of mediations (Martín-Barbero, 1997), instead of focus the analysis on the text production and/or insist on the duality of truth versus false, like the great part of the disinformation studies produced in Brazil. We also intend to point out that the relation between the theory of mediations and the theoretical-methodological approach of ethnography can offer potentialities to understand the way in which the mediation between social media and the consuming and disseminating society of (dis)information occurs.


Disinformation, Mediations, ethnography, health

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Author Biography

Igor Sacramento

PhD in Communication and Culture (PPGCOM/UFRJ). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health Information and Communication by Fiocruz and the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Culture by UFRJ. Research Productivity Scholarship by CNPq and coordinator of the Center for Studies in Communication, History and Health (NECHS - Fiocruz/UFRJ).


Ana Carolina Pontalti Monari

PhD student in Health Information and Communication at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). Master in Communication and journalist by UNESP. Doctoral fellow at Coornation for the Improvement of High Education Personnel (CAPES) and research at the Center for Studies in Communication, History and Health (NECHS - Fiocruz/UFRJ).

Hully Falcão

PhD in Anthropology (PPGA/UFF). Postdoctoral fellow in the Postgraduate Program in Health Information and Communication at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/CNPq. Researcher of the Center for Studies in Communication, History and Health (NECHS - Fiocruz/UFRJ), from the Fluminense Study Center and Research (NUPEC/UFF - InEAC) and from the National Institute for Comparative Studies in Institutional Management of Conflicts (INCT - InEAC).


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