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“SloMo” by Chanel (Eurovision Song Contest 2022): live show production for television


Eurovision Song Contest is a musical contest broadcast on television where participate the countries members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Here live television production applies the latest technologies, as well as innovating in language. This work takes as a case study the feature of the song "SloMo" by Chanel Terrero, representative of the Spanish public television (TVE). Attention to the live production of this fragment of the complete program allows us to identify the keys to a successful audiovisual production, not only from a technical level, but also from a grammatical level and from the use of live television language. A formal audiovisual analysis is applied. The results conclude that the musical number develops a classic and functional production that refers to the televised musical numbers and the Eurovision Song Contest itself, in a sort of self-referential meta-language.


television, audiovisual production, television programmes, Eurovision Song Contest, musical performance, television production

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Author Biography

José Patricio Pérez-Rufí

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Universidad de Málaga (España). Doctor en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad de Sevilla (España).

Alba Aragón-Manchado

Alba Aragón-Manchado

Universidad de Málaga, España.

Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual, investigadora


Andrea Cruz-Elvira

Andrea Cruz-Elvira

Universidad de Málaga, España.

Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual, investigadora.



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